Guitar Lesson 1 – Are You An Absolute Beginner? If Yes, Then
Guitar Lesson 1 – Are You An Absolute Beginner? If Yes, Then
How I Convert my Electric Guitar to a Lap Steel Guitar The following are the contents … Continue readingHow I Convert Electric Guitar to a Lap Steel Guitar – Lesson on – Open D Tuning, Blues & Country Slide Guitar
This video is just a preview of a complete 40 plus minutes lesson on the topic called legato. There are several methods explained in the lesson to master the legato technique much faster. To join.. … Continue readingLegato – Preview [Advanced Guitar Lesson 38]
The word hybrid itself defines the meaning of the hybrid blues scale. The hybrid blues scale is about combining different scales to form one unique scale. There are a couple of scales combinations often used by artists to incorporate this method into their playing. In this chapter, we are going to look at three different ways on how to build a hybrid blues scale. And many more tips on how to… … Continue readingAdvanced Guitar Lesson 36 – Mixolydian Blues/Hybrid Blues Scale [Intro]
In today’s lesson, I want to talk about my approach to deriving and using Locrian mode. This chapter is the end of our series of modal study. However, we shall continue to study more topics related to modes.
Some of the ways which I think is necessary for all of you guys to learn are listed below.
1, To derive Locrian mode from the Major scale
2, To derive Locrian mode by using the 7th Master shape as a root
3, ………. … Continue readingAdvanced Guitar Lesson 35 – Locrian Mode[Intro]
In this lesson, I will like to discuss with you the simplest ways to get into the Lydian mode.
So if you have listened to the short intro music I played, you would have noticed some melody which is different from a diatonic or a pentatonic scales. It has a very unique tonality which … Continue readingAdvanced Guitar Lesson 33[intro] Lydian Mode
These three exercises on harmonic minor scales are for those guitar learners who want to shred with accuracy and speed. Alternate Picking is the most … Continue reading3 Essential Harmonic Minor Licks
Advanced Guitar Lesson 31 [part 3] Dorian Mode
How to write a song step by step… … Continue readingHow to write a song step by step